
Neil Storey 28th December 2020

My Auntie Midge. So many happy childhood memories. My Mum’s closest mate, I can still hear and picture you both talking constantly (usually at the same time) and laughing so much. You and Uncle Harry played such a big part of my childhood years. As a kid, there was nowhere else like the Pines, our escape to paradise. A29 and E7. Waiting at the roundabout loaded with bags, towels and sarnies to take a big green bus into Rhyl to visit the beach, paddling pool or, as an occasional treat, even the sun centre. Les Harkers. Sheps. The arcades. Delicious fry ups in the caravan. Those egg, chips and beans! Happy days. You and Rene religiously going to bingo and the hut, always having a good time Going to London to see Night at the Opera and singing with my Mum for weeks afterwards. And your trip together to Portugal to stay with me and our Bri will never be forgotten. A scream from start to finish. But as with Harry, you lost Rene far too soon. We all did. And while it’s of comfort to know that you were loved and will be missed by so many, it’s also comforting to imagine you and my Mum finally being happily reunited after all these years. Goodnight and God Bless, Auntie Midge. You will be missed and always fondly remembered. xxx

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